When Is A Park Not A Park?

Those of you who know Broadview Station will remember the years of construction we who live nearby suffered through as the station gained new streetcar platforms, elevators, an enlarged lobby, a lot of fixes to leaky ceilings, and now roof repairs.  Through much of this the triangle of land between the streetcar loop and sidewalk was transformed from a park to a construction staging area and then, miraculously, our park came back, somewhat gentrified, last year.

That property had been held by the TTC for years in anticipation of, yes, redevelopment, although everyone nearby thought it was a park.  It wasn’t.

Until now.  This week, the TTC will officially declare the land surplus to its needs, and set in motion a transfer to the City Parks Department.  I’m not sure that there will be dancing in the streets, but at last our park is safe from being turned into a rather oddly shaped condo.

3 thoughts on “When Is A Park Not A Park?

  1. Will the new Build Toronto rules mean the parks dept will have to pay full value for the land?

    Steve: No. This is an internal transfer from one city agency to another.


  2. Could this present any problems to expanding the station further should it be necessary to fit the new streetcars?

    Steve: No. The further one gets into the park, the shorter the platform and the tighter the turn to leave the loop onto Erindale Avenue. If they need more space, they have to take a bite out of the Toronto Parking Authority lot.


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