Campbell House Move

On March 31, 1972, Campbell House moved from the intersection of Adelaide and Frederick to its present location at Queen & University.

Here is a record of that move.

All photos are by Steve Munro.

Click on a photo to launch the view in full screen mode.

3 thoughts on “Campbell House Move

  1. Why was the house moved? According to Wikipedia, the house was given up for free to anyone who could move it to expand a parking lot? The new lot had to be purchased and so why not purchase the original site?

    Does anyone here have pictures of the Gibson House move? Another topic worth having an article on. It may not have been Gibson house that was moved but another one I forget the name of. Which houses in Toronto (besides Campbell House) have been moved?

    Steve: Actually, the “new lot” was the front lawn of the Canada Life building, and it was donated. Historically, the building was the home of Ontario’s (Upper Canada’s) sixth Chief Justice, and the new sits is appropriately across the street from Osgoode Hall.

    The old site was in a rather drab part of Toronto at the time, totally unlike what is there today, and the house is much more prominently displayed at Queen and University. The parking lot now did stand vacant for many years, but the area is unrecognizable from what it was over 40 years ago.

    I don’t believe that Gibson House was moved. You may be thinking of Dempsey’s store that originally stood on the northwest corner of Yonge & Sheppard. My Campbell House photo gallery exists because I happened to follow and photograph the entire move back in 1972, and I posted the article as a counterpoint to the Metrolinx move of the Kodak building in Mount Dennis.


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