“One City” To Serve Them All

Updated June 27 at 5:20pm:  I have written a political analysis of today’s announcement for the Torontoist website that will probably go live tomorrow morning.  A line-by-line review of the plan will go up here later the same day.

TTC Chair Karen Stintz and Vice-Chair Glen De Baeremaeker will formally announce a new plan called “One City” on June 27 at 10:30.

The plan already has coverage on the Star and Globe websites.  Maps:  Globe Star

I will comment in more detail after their press conference, but two points leap off the page at me:

  • The proposed funding scheme for the $30-billion plan presumes 1/3 shares from each of the Provincial and Federal governments.  This money is extremely unlikely to show up, especially Ottawa’s share.  From Queen’s Park, some of the funding is from presumed “commitments” to current projects such as the Scarborough RT/LRT conversion which would be replaced by a subway extension.  The rest is uncertain.
  • The “plan” is little more than a compendium of every scheme for transit within the 416 that has been floated recently in various quarters (including this blog).  What is notable is the fact that glitches in some of the existing ideas (notably the fact that the Waterfront East line ends at Parliament) are not addressed.  The whole package definitely needs some fine tuning lest it fall victim to the dreaded problem of all maps — once you draw them, it’s almost impossible to change them.

For those who keep an eye on political evolution, the brand “One City” surfaced in April 2012 in a speech made by Karen Stintz at the Economic Club of Canada.  This idea of a new, unifying transit brand appears to have been cooking for some time.

Service Changes Effective July 29, 2012

Mid-summer is a quiet time for service changes, but a few are planned for the end of July.  Major changes will come in September with the combined effect of the return to winter schedules and the implementation of recently funded service improvements.

Queen Diversion at Russell Carhouse

Work will switch to the west entrance of the carhouse making it impossible to operate streetcars east of Broadview.  Service on 501/301 Queen will return to Neville Loop, but will divert both ways via Coxwell, Gerrard and Broadview.  The 501 shuttle bus will operate from Woodbine Loop nominally to Broadview, but it will actually loop via Parliament, Shuter and River.  The 501 short turn service standing in for the 502 Downtowner will run from Broadview Station to Wolseley Loop.

A summary of the schedules shows how the Queen service has evolved through the construction project.

Service on Kingston Road remains a bus operation to Parliament because of watermain work.

Carhouse trips for routes served from Russell Carhouse will change to operate via Gerrard, Coxwell and Queen to Connaught.

Harbourfront Route Construction

Streetcar service on 509 Harbourfront will be replaced by buses for the reconstruction of Queen’s Quay.  Eastbound service will turn north at Spadina to Lake Shore, east to Simcoe or York, north to Front, east to Yonge and south to Queen’s Quay.

This operation will continue until spring 2013.

Bay Bus Extension

Service on the Bay bus will be extended from Jarvis to Sherbourne to add service to new developments on the waterfront.  During peak periods, the 6B Bloor/Dundas short turn will be changed to 6A Bloor/Sherbourne so that more service is provided to the southeast part of the route.  During off-peak periods, the 6 Dupont/Jarvis service will be extended to Sherbourne with no change in headways or hours of service.

Further changes are planned for September 2012.

Morningside/Scarborough Changes

Running times on 116 Morningside will change on weekends to improve reliability of the service.  Daytime service on 86 Scarborough will change to match the new Morningside headways for a blended service on the common section of their routes.

Woodbine Beach Service

Weekend afternoon and early evening service on 92 Woodbine South will improve to handle summer demand to the beach.

2012.07.29 Service Changes